Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Pause in transmission

The most effective diet I've ever been on is the raw chicken diet, totally unintentionally - thanks to under BBQ-ed chicken nibbles on Boxing Day one year. 2 weeks of being painfully ill, 6 weeks to start eating normally again, 3 dress sizes later... it was horrendous, but surprisingly effective.

Anyway, I have found myself in the middle of an unplanned 1 day version. That's what happens when you spend most of your day with small children - the places they like to hang are bug paradise. Hence there's been a brief pause in transmission.

On an unrelated note, we've just been through a few days of wild storms - the traffic cone on the Waterloo Rd pine tree remains. If it survived that then it's safe to say it's probably a permanent feature of the Hutt Valley.

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