Sunday, July 25, 2010

The neighbours are moving on..

It wasn't hard to figure that something was changing next door. Firstly, their house that was once several different shades of lemon yellow and cream suddenly was repainted the same shade of coffee. Secondly, she'd started putting fresh flowers out.

If that wasn't enough of a giveaway, an Open2View photographer, and half a dozen real estate agents pouring out onto the street sealed the deal. So it didn't seem unreasonable to ask if they were moving.

Me: Did I see a caravan of real estate agents come through today? You're not selling are you?
Her: Oh NO.. we wouldn't do that... they were just doing a valuation, nice to know how much our house is worth, you know.

Strange, but we went about our weekend. Then tonight The Husband is googling the street (because cyber stalking is a perfectly normal part of life) and finds their house listed with a second rate agency. It's right there. On the big wide web.

It poses a real problem though, because at some point it's going to become more obvious. Like, when a big sign goes up out the front. Or when it gets a big "SOLD" sticker slapped all over it. Or when they start to pack up their things. Or when they leave a forwarding address. And so now, at what point is it appropriate to make mention of it? In a jokey way over the fence "oh, I guess you're selling up then... weird cause remember when you said you weren't" Cue awkward laughter and inspections of one's own shoes.

On the plus side, they're leaving, so it shouldn't be awkward for too long. We're hoping for a family to move in with similar aged kids. Next best thing would be a family with a daughter babysitting age.

And we hope they sell it for way more than asking price. Because it looks good for the street that way.

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